Dear Parishioners, 

I wish to take this opportunity to inform you of a program that St. Francis de Sales is embarking upon and that I ask each of you to embrace.  It is called the Generous Hearts Campaign.  As you read my message below, it will provide you with some transparency of what our parish’s vision, the state of the parish and what we need to do going forward.  I recognize that and I am blessed to have such faithful and dedicated parishioners.  For that I am truly thankful and grateful. 

Stewardship is a part of our Catholic spirituality.  It requires prayerful reflection, an acceptance of responsibilities and generous hearts.  “Tithing should not be undertaken in a ‘what will I get out of it?’ mental attitude.  The important thing is what God will get out of it: our gratitude for his countless blessings; our proclamation of his dominion over us; and more resources for the spread of the Good News of salvation.” (Quote from “How Much Should I Give to My Parish?” –Florence Wedge – published by Liguori) 

Unfortunately, collections have not fully covered our operating expenses as of late and this is a concern. Generous Hearts will help us to increase our offertory with the ultimate goal of covering these obligations.    

Our mission statement includes that we “seek to LIVE JESUS through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit by ministering to the needs of our brothers and sisters through Word, Worship, Education and Service “. Generous Hearts will help us toward our mission. With your participation we will be able to accomplish our goal while providing quality services you have become accustomed to. 

With that I am asking that each of you take the time to prayerfully reflect on your level of sacrificial giving to the parish and respond with some commitment for the next year and the years beyond. 

As always, I keep all of you and your families in my prayers. Again, I am very thankful for each of you and all that you do and for your continued support. 

Fr. Mark Danczyk