How Much Should I Give?

A Guide to Giving

A frequent question of Catholics is “how much am I expected to give?” which is a fair question.  The answer is not easy; each parishioner has their own unique path toward God and each of us must prayerfully consider our response to the call of our faith.

The objective of tithe is an easy calculation to make; albeit tough to do on a regular basis for most families.  Considering the regular offertory, diocesan and national collections, and special appeals will, frankly, compete with taxes, household expenses, and significant life events such as retirement, the purchase of a new home, or a college education for a member of our family.

We encourage each parishioner to pray for understanding of the parish needs and the graces they have received.  An option we ask all to consider is giving to God just one hours’ wages each week for those who are gainfully employed at more than 30 hours per week.  For those 20 hours and fewer, half an hours’ wage is sufficient.  Students and single parent households may have to consider their circumstances to do just a portion of these guidelines.

The answer is, we ask that you give gratefully to your faith as a matter of your daily thanks to God, and make your gift a habit of your experience as a member of our parish family.